Understand Gods Power of the Anointing Oil

Understand Gods power of the anointing oil. We use Anointing oil together with your faith in God, and His power to bless, cleanse and make all things holy. There are many ways to use anointing oils.  Anoint yourself or others as you pray, are troubled, or sick. Anointing Oil is also used to consecrate a person, place, or thing unto God.  Most importantly use the Anointing Oil as directed or moved by the Holy Spirit. The most common way to anoint with oil is to put a few drops of Oil on your finger and place it on the forehead of the person you are praying for, or on the object you are consecrating. Many use Anointing Oils during their personal prayer time, you can rub a few drops of oil on your hands or head, or put the oil in a diffuser to fill the room. You can be creative. As you pray listen to the Holy Spirit for prayer instruction.

Follow your heart and let the Holy Spirit be your guide. If you are unsure, you can consult a religious leader. You should allow the Holy Spirit to guide you in your prayers. Be sure to always pray according to the will of God.

The ancient practice of anointing with oils goes all the way back to the Old Testament. The anointing oil was poured over the heads of prophets, priests and kings. (We have also become priests and kings through our belief in Jesus Christ). It also was used to anoint objects, such as the sacred objects and vessels found in the Tabernacle and Temple. But no matter the reason, when we anoint with oil we are exercising our faith in a loving and all-powerful God who hears and answers our prayers.

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